About Me

Malinda Lennox - Registered Dietitian - Bellville (Cape Town)
Malinda is a Registered Dietitian who obtained her BSc Dietetics degree in 1997 from the University of Stellenbosch. She has been in private practice for more than 20 years, continuously keeping up with scientifically based nutrition information.
Malinda has a special interest in the management of diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) and has done various courses to be able to give the correct individual advice and training regarding diet as part of the management of diabetes. The most notable course is an advanced course in diabetes care offered by the CDE (The Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology), which she passed with distinction.
Malinda also has an interest in helping food service and catering companies with analysing menus as well as adapting menus and training staff regarding special diets.
Professional Information:
• BSc Dietetics Degree (University of Stellenbosch)
• Member of ADSA (Association for Dietetics in South Africa)
• Member of HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa)
• Registered as dietician at BHF ( Board of Healthcare Funders) - the representative organisation for the majority of medical schemes throughout South Africa
Request an Appointment
Appointments can be made for adults, children or families. General information regarding your medical problem/s will be discussed. An individualised meal plan combining the nutritional treatment of your medical problems will also be worked out.
Please contact Malinda if you have any other medical problems to find out if nutrition can help treat these problems.
Medical aid tariffs charged.